A Prayer for the 90 + kidnapped Christians of Syria
My heart weeps as I write this today….
The poet William Arthur Ward said:
I will do more than belong…I will participate.
I will do more than care…I will help.
I will do more than believe…I will practice.
I will do more than be fair…I will be kind.
I will do more than forgive…I will forget.
I will do more than dream…I will work.
I will do more than teach…I will inspire.
I will do more than learn…I will enrich.
I will do more than give…I will serve.
I will do more than live…I will grow.
I will do more than suffer…I will triumph.
We can’t do whatever is easiest and still reach our goals. We must do more. We must do “whatever it takes.”
Ah, that we would be people of faith with such passion for the glory of God and His kingdom that we would be compelled by Christ’s love in all diligence. William Arthur Ward’s statements are all tenets of our faith propelling us go beyond all that is expected or asked of us into the miraculous realm of God.
Yesterday more that 90 Assyrian Christian men, women, and children were kidnapped from their Syrian village by militant terrorists. They have been drawn into a horrific situation beyond our imaginations or our understanding. And yet, many of them are already crying out, “ We are Ready to Meet Jesus today.” In spite of the torture, the molestations, the beatings and the beheadings, many of them have already stated that they will not compromise. And most of the parents have trained their children to do the same. In war torn countries, like Syria, parents actually practice daily with their children, repeating the actual words they will say in the event of capture. This is what Christian mothers and fathers have to train their children to do in Syria. While we are teaching our children to ride a bike, tie their shoes and bake a cake, they are teaching their children how to face torture and death. They are ready to go beyond expectations and beyond all earthly demands. They are ready to die for their beliefs. Ready to die for love of Jesus.
What about you? Have you died to self and laid down your life for Jesus. Time is shorter than we believe. Have you made a decision to give your life for Him? Will this be the day you will be asked to give your physical life as well? We don’t know what life holds for each of us, nor the time frame, but we do know that we will all leave this life one day. May we all be prepared to meet Jesus. May we all be captivated by His great love and His demonstration of that great love as He died for us. Beaten, humiliated, tortured and mutilated, He laid down His life for each of us. As much as we try to avoid and deny it, suffering is part of our legacy. It’s engrained in our lineage.
Today let us cry out for the 90 + kidnapped Christians of Syria who face unspeakable tortures and possible martyrdom this day. May they be set free my Lord! May Christians rise up around the world in great prayer, pleading and crying out in unison, to the only real power that can intervene and set them free, Jesus Christ our Lord. And if they be martyred this day, may they be strengthened beyond all measure. Embrace them my Lord and wrap them in your Spirit that they may find you in the midst of incomparable pain and suffering. May they do more than suffer, let them triumph!
“And they overcame him( Satan)by the blood of The Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives unto death.”(Revelation 12:11)