Risk, Is It In You?

I’ve been thinking a lot about ” counting the cost”…
It’s been said that a person shouldn’t evaluate a risk by the probability of success, but by the worthiness of the goal.
Isn’t that true friends? Isn’t the value of anything determined by the price you’re willing to pay for it. And if you truly value something, you won’t easily jeopardize it because you remember the effort and pain that it cost you. However, fear blocks us from moving forward in our devotion and obedience to God. Fear keeps us from taking a risk, from standing on the edge in faith. Is it failing that makes us afraid? Our concern should be the opposite—our biggest regret should be that we didn’t even try. None of us want to live a life of “could’a”, “should’a”, “would’a’s”. I don’t want to be ten years down the road, crying over my “if onlys.” In fact, I’m sure none of us do. 

What holds us back from moving deeper in our devotion and obedience to God? Of course, discipline is a primary factor. However, our number one hindrance is often being afraid of criticism by friends or loved ones. We might seem too radical or a bit extreme. This year lets be willing to be bolder and more radical in our service and devotion to God. We all want to be liked, but at some point you’ve just got to ask yourself, “How much am I willing to forfeit in order to be liked and accepted?” Nehemiah, the builder of Jerusalem’s walls, said, “I am doing a great work, so…I cannot come down.” Any time you defer to the opinion of people instead of the will of God, you are “coming down.” Stay up on the wall! Keep laying bricks—or whatever God has called you to do. Advancement in God’s kingdom often brings isolation and criticism- – – However, God may be grooming you right now for a new level of blessing by exposing you to both.

Let’s leap to new heights my friends, let’s walk on the edge in 2017 with renewed fervency, risking all and basking in His glory!

1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.